Give to InterVarsity

Your gift will reach students and faculty with the Real Hope of Jesus!

Give to InterVarsity

Your gift will reach students and faculty with the Real Hope of Jesus!

GFM Emerging Scholars Network
GFM Emerging Scholars Network

The Emerging Scholars Network (ESN)* has been the main point of intersection between my faith and my scholarly pursuits. With the connections that I have made through the ESN and the vast amount of resources that the network has provided, I now feel far more confident about being a Christian in a largely pluralistic and postmodern profession. As a graduate student, I don't feel so alone anymore as I know that the ESN and Intervarsity are behind me. Furthermore, I absolutely cannot wait to become involved in a faculty group down the road as God calls me to be a light in a secular university. — Joshua, grad student in history, Auburn U.

Praise God! Would you prayerfully consider investing in a ministry which connnects those on the academic journey with resources, local communities, conferencing (including focused sessions at Urbana), google hangouts, informal mentoring relationships, and much more?

Although we have a lot of volunteer hours given by grad students and faculty, our limited staff team on a small budget ($150,000) requires the funding to engage in creating the resource material (including Emerging Scholars Blog), traveling/being present at conferencing, scholarship to students conference (e.g. Urbana), connecting, and much more.


*The Emerging Scholars Network is called to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars who will be a redeeming influence within higher education.


The bigger the change we hope for, the longer we must be willing to invest, work for, and wait for it. ― Andy Crouch, Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling (InterVarsity Press, 2008)

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Choosing a recurring gift helps staff budget for year-round ministry.
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Consider dividing your gift throughout the year to help staff with planning.
Choose Your Gift Amount
Consider dividing your gift throughout the year to help staff with planning.
Choose Your Gift Amount
Consider dividing your gift throughout the year to help staff with planning.
Choose Your Gift Amount
Consider dividing your gift throughout the year to help staff with planning.

Your gift helps students and faculty discover Jesus!

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GFM Emerging Scholars Network
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Building Tomorrow's Leaders
Inviting them to follow Jesus today

Your gift enables students and faculty to hear the good news of Jesus Christ on campuses all over the US, as InterVarsity is helping to raise new generations of dedicated leaders for God’s church.

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Sharing the good news of Jesus on college campuses.

Bible Study

Studying scripture in community to be formed by God’s word.

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Christian Community

Inviting students and faculty to love God's people of every ethnicity and culture.

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Leadership Development

Equipping students and faculty to become life-long disciples.

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InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to InterVarsity are tax-deductible as allowed by law. InterVarsity has complete discretion and control over the use of donated funds.
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P.O. Box 7895 Madison, WI 53707-7895