A Gift of Cash
With a gift of cash, you can make a simple gift and qualify for an income tax charitable deduction.
There’s a reason cash gifts are so popular! Consider the following:
- Your gift (cash, check, or credit card*) will make an immediate impact on our important work of calling people to faith.
- The full amount of your gift is tax deductible if you itemize—your actual tax savings depends on the amount of your gift and your marginal income tax bracket.
- While you cannot deduct more than 60% of your adjusted gross income in the year of the gift, you can carry over any excess deduction for up to five years.
- Because so many donors make cash gifts every year, the combined impact is an extremely significant and vital part of our ongoing mission.
*If making an electronic transfer, please see our EFT/Wire Transfer instructions, below.
Will you itemize your taxes this year?
Many people are making use of today's high standard deduction instead of itemizing. However, if you want the income tax deduction associated with a charitable gift of cash, you’ll need to itemize.
You may want to consider “bunching” your donations. Essentially, this means making two or more years’ worth of charitable gifts in one year to make itemizing worthwhile. Your advisors can help you determine if this is a good approach.
Evaluate the fit.
A cash gift is a good option if you:
- Received extra cash this year (say, from a bonus, inheritance, winnings, etc.)
- Want to secure a current charitable income tax deduction
- Want to make an easy gift you can repeat year after year
Keep in mind that while a cash gift makes the same impact on our work as other types of gifts, you may not want to make a cash gift simply out of habit. Other gifts can provide you with various types of tax and planning benefits that are worth exploring from time to time.
See how it works.
Jonah receives a modest inheritance from a relative. Since he has already decided to make a gift to InterVarsity this year in almost exactly that amount, it is very simple to make an online donation of that inheritance money. We send Jonah the proper acknowledgment of his gift, and he uses that to secure an income tax deduction when he itemizes.

Consider your timing.
If you want to qualify for a charitable deduction this year, you’re in luck—you can make a donation at any time up to December 31. Mailed checks must be postmarked by December 31 (but don’t forget that some post offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays).
How can we serve you?
If you are interested in exploring other gift options, please reach out to us. We are always available to discuss charitable gift planning and/or to send you helpful information.
EFT/ACH/Wire Transfer Instructions
Account Name: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Associated Bank Madison, WI 53717
Routing #: 075900575
Account#: 2213088699
Note: If wiring gift from overseas, please use
SWIFT number: ABGBUS44 for
Associated Bank Green Bay, WI
Please email giftprocessing@intervarsity.org with the following information each time a transfer is initiated. This alert will help ensure funds are designated to the correct account in a timely manner. Transfers often arrive with no identifying information included with the gift/payment.
- Donor first and last name
- Donor contact info including address, phone, and email
- Amount of gift being wired
- Date wire will be transferred
- Intended gift designation
Examples: Urbana registration for (name) ______________; Support for staff work at UNLV; Scholarships at GFM U of MI