Tools & Resources: Donors


Considering a gift? We can help. 

Contact our estate & gift planning service team for information on gift strategies that can help you support InterVarsity and provide significant benefits to you and your family.

Estate & Gift Planning Team
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
P.O. Box 7895
Madison, WI 53707-7895

Legal Name: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
Located in: Madison, WI
Tax I.D. Number: 36-2171714


Financial advisors can find additional resources designed to help clients considering a gift to InterVarsity. 


For additional information on a variety of gift plan options, contact us to request one or more of the following titles:

  • A Gift from Your IRA
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Estate Planning
  • Flexible Giving and Your Will
  • Gift Plan Overview: Making a Difference
  • Gifts of Real Estate
  • Gifts of Stock
  • Retirement Plan Assets
  • Retirement Planning and Charitable Giving
  • Revocable Gifts
Request an E-brochure

Download our Will and Estate Planning Guide

Writing or updating your will can feel overwhelming. Let us help you simplify the process by sending you our free Will and Estate Planning Guide, designed to walk you through the process of considering your goals, determining how you want your assets distributed, and organizing the relevant documents.

Download the Will and Estate Planning Guide here.


Request a calculation

If you would like a personalized gift calculation, let us know. We will be happy to provide an illustration.  

Select the gifts that interest you: 

  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Deferred charitable gift annuity
  • Charitable remainder unitrust
  • Charitable remainder annuity trust

Select the assets you are thinking about using to fund the gift: 

  • Cash
  • Securities
  • Real estate
  • Other

Gift amount: 

  • Dollar amount
  • Cost basis of the asset (other than cash)

Age or birth date(s) of each beneficiary: Beneficiary 1, Beneficiary 2

For a deferred charitable gift annuity, number of years you would like to defer the start of payments: _____


Determine your required minimum distribution

IRA owners age 73 and older may need to take annual required minimum distributions (RMDs) from their accounts. Use our RMD Calculator to determine the amount you are required to withdraw. To learn about gift options that count toward your RMD, visit our Gift from an IRA page

Sample language for donor documents

If you are creating a new will or trust, simply adding a codicil to a will, or amending an existing trust, the following sample language may be useful to you and your estate planning attorney. This is not a substitute for the language your attorney will incorporate in your will or trust. We urge you to secure the services of an attorney competent in estate planning in your state.  

Download a printable PDF here.

Click here to read more.

PERCENTAGE GIFT A percentage estate gift involves leaving a specific percentage of your overall estate to support general ministry purposes.

I/We give and devise to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, located in Madison, WI, ____% of my/our total estate to be used to support its general ministry purposes.

RESIDUAL GIFT A residual estate gift comes to us after your estate expenses and other gifts are paid.

I/We give and devise to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, located in Madison, WI, all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my/our estate, both real and personal, to be used to support its general ministry purposes.

SPECIFIC GIFT A specific amount of money or item of property may be given.

I/We give and devise to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, located in Madison, WI, the sum of $___________ (or describe property), to be used to support its general ministry purposes.

CONTINGENT GIFT InterVarsity can be named as a contingent beneficiary.

If (insert name) is not living at the time of my demise, I give and devise to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, located in Madison, WI, the sum of $ _______ (or describe property or include wording for residual gift), to be used to support its general ministry purposes.

Note: Please contact us first if you prefer that we use your gift for a specific ministry or program.

Please provide the following information to your attorney:
Legal Name: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
Located in: Madison, WI
Tax I.D. Number: 36-2171714

You may name InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA as a beneficiary of your IRA or qualified retirement plan (such as a 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, or profit-sharing pension plan). To do so, simply contact your plan custodian for a change of beneficiary form.

Passing such assets on to heirs can result in heirs paying income tax on the gift at their rate and in your estate paying taxes (state and/or federal). Alternatively, naming InterVarsity as a retirement plan beneficiary and passing other less tax-burdened assets to heirs may mean less taxes for them and your estate. Be sure to consult your tax advisor regarding your circumstances.

InterVarsity can be added as a beneficiary of an insurance policy. Money held in brokerage and banking ac-counts can be directed to InterVarsity. Contact your insurance agent or the administrator of your financial account for procedures.

Notify Us of Your Gift