Give to InterVarsity

Your gift will reach students and faculty with the Real Hope of Jesus!

Give to InterVarsity

Your gift will reach students and faculty with the Real Hope of Jesus!

Mary Martinez-Tuttle
Mary Martinez-Tuttle
Chaplain & Senior Area Staff

You encourage students and faculty to flourish through InterVarsity, especially as agents of change in various fields.

You influence the culture across disciplines and connect emerging leaders so they make an impact for eternity.

Your gifts develop our campus teams. You fund scholarships for leadership training and personal growth. You cover expenses for printed resources to improve Bible literacy and personal stewardship, increase public service in these divisive times, promote individual wellness and corporate wholeness, and even decrease food insecurity on-campus. You make on- and off-campus events and spiritual growth happen and provide the necessary technology to augment connectivity.

THANK YOU for giving, advocating, praying, and serving with Mary since 2010. Pray as Chaplain Mary Tuttle completes a Doctor in Ministry from Barry University to better serve in academia.

Hear campus leaders share.

SAVE *the*DATE: 2025 InterVarsity South Florida Gala - black-tie optional - our 7th Annual

Saturday, April 5, 2025 · 6 - 9pm EDT

Celebrate first-gen college graduates and campus leadership … become an IV Gala sponsor for 2025! See our dynamic photo gallery.

Click to see our South Florida 2024 video.  

See a video and virtual tour of the FIU Multi-faith Chapel, which gives context for our work in the secular university and will provide dedicated space for our work with the campus community. Scheduled to open Fall 2025.

Click on to see current happenings.

Here's what one group leader said about our collaborative spirit this year: “The freshman student you connected with at Barry U in the dining hall has gotten really plugged into our student group. She has been such a blessing to us and is even taking over leadership from a senior! Praising God for you coming across her path and how He is using that to further God's love on campus!

We do this together!

For more information, go to Your ambassadors to South Florida academia and beyond,

~ Chaplain Mary M Tuttle, and the South Florida team

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Your gift helps students and faculty discover Jesus!

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Mary Martinez-Tuttle
$0.00 One-Time to Mary Martinez-Tuttle
Chaplain & Senior Area Staff
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Building Tomorrow's Leaders
Inviting them to follow Jesus today

Your gift enables students and faculty to hear the good news of Jesus Christ on campuses all over the US, as InterVarsity is helping to raise new generations of dedicated leaders for God’s church.

image of cross shining light at person

Sharing the good news of Jesus on college campuses.

Bible Study

Studying scripture in community to be formed by God’s word.

icon of people standing side by side in community
Christian Community

Inviting students and faculty to love God's people of every ethnicity and culture.

icon of person thinking
Leadership Development

Equipping students and faculty to become life-long disciples.

For 80 years, we have maintained the highest standard of financial accountability and integrity.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to InterVarsity are tax-deductible as allowed by law. InterVarsity has complete discretion and control over the use of donated funds.
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(866) 734-4823
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P.O. Box 7895 Madison, WI 53707-7895