This #GivingTuesday, your gift DOUBLES, thanks to a $40K match. Support InterVarsity now, and make 2X the impact to form students into faithful leaders. Don't wait — give today!

Our hurting world needs christ-centered leaders
Where is the best place to shape tomorrow’s leaders? On campus, of course!
As a student-led ministry, InterVarsity raises up student leaders, empowering them to minister to their peers on campus.
Students learn leadership skills like starting something new, taking risks, following up with prospects, showing empathy and love, and facilitating small and large group gatherings.
When these Christ-following students graduate, they become the next generation of CEOs and engineers, scientists and politicians, educators and pastors.
One look at the headlines today reminds all of us how badly our world needs faithful followers of Jesus to lead. Right now, your #GivingTuesday gift will be matched and go TWICE as far to raise up future Christian leaders through InterVarsity’s ministry.
Students learn leadership skills like starting something new, taking risks, following up with prospects, showing empathy and love, and facilitating small and large group gatherings.
When these Christ-following students graduate, they become the next generation of CEOs and engineers, scientists and politicians, educators and pastors.
One look at the headlines today reminds all of us how badly our world needs faithful followers of Jesus to lead. Right now, your #GivingTuesday gift will be matched and go TWICE as far to raise up future Christian leaders through InterVarsity’s ministry.

“I'm so hopeful to see a thriving witnessing community at Auraria that will long outlive however long I’m on campus. Regardless of my own involvement, I really hope to see this seed that we're trying to plant here just grow.”
—Jordan, an intervarsity student leader at Metropolitan State University
Will you raise up tomorrow’s christian leaders?